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Resources and support for people bereaved or affected by suicide



Grief is unique for everyone. If you are bereaved or affected by suicide, you may have a range of feelings including sadness, despair, anger, fear, rejection or shock. 


You may also not know what resources and services are available, which is why as someone who wants to help people bereaved and affected by suicide, I have put together the list below for Leeds and West Yorkshire.







Support in Leeds and West Yorkshire


Finding support in other areas of the UK​​

  • At a Loss - A directory of support services for people bereaved or affected by suicide

  • Hub of Hope - Type your postcode into this website to find what bereavement support is available in your area


Nationwide support


Support if you are having suicidal thoughts

I am not able to provide support in an emergency. If your life or someone else's life is in immediate danger call 999.


If you are having suicidal thoughts, you can contact:


 Samaritans (Support for all ages)

Phone: 116 123




Papyrus (Support for young people)

Phone: 0800 068 41 41



Leeds Survivor-Led Crisis Service - Connect Helpline (Support for people living in Leeds)

Phone: 0808 800 1212



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